On this page you can find a brief overview of selected results from my research (both reference and synopsis). Please click onto a publication's title to display more information.

Timing-Mechanismen im Gehirn / Neural timing mechanisms
Soziales Lernen und Gedächtnis / Social Learning and Memory
Kopp, F. & Lindenberger, U. (2012). Social cues at encoding affect memory in four-month-old infants. Social Neuroscience 7, 458–472.
Kopp, F. & Lindenberger, U. (2011). Effects of joint attention on long-term memory in 9-month-old infants: An event-related potentials study. Developmental Science 14, 660–672.
Striano, T., Kopp, F., Grossmann, T. & Reid, V. (2006). Eye contact influences neural processing of emotional expressions in 4-month-old infants. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 1, 87–94.
Arbeitsgedächtnis / Working Memory
Kopp, F., Schröger, E. & Lipka, S. (2006). Synchronized brain activity during rehearsal and short-term memory disruption by irrelevant speech is affected by recall mode. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 61, 188-203
Kopp, F., Schröger, E. & Lipka, S. (2004). Neural networks engaged in short-term memory rehearsal are disrupted by irrelevant speech in human subjects. Neuroscience Letters, 354, 42-45.
Kopp, F. & Sommerfeld, E. (2000). Dissociation of control processes in working memory from visual and motor processes by EEG coherence. Brain Topography, 12, 295.
Soziale Interaktionsprozesse / Social Interaction
Bartling, K., Kopp, F. & Lindenberger, U. (2010). Maternal affect attunement: Refinement and internal validation of a coding scheme. European Journal of Developmental Science 4, 1–17.